Crazy Q Partnerships You Find in Our Store
This is all about how our partners got to be on this site and aligned to our business.
A-Slim Leather: We began our relationship with A-Slim as we sought after someone that could create a leather wallet out of natural materials to match a design I had looked for over a long period of time. We have already expanded our relationship with this London based creator by offering some of their own designs and incorporating their aesthetic into our future design. More on A-Slim Leather Wallets.
Hydrascape Stickers: This unique sticker company we first encountered a long way from home. We were hiking in Banff Canada and in the town we stayed, Canmore, saw these wrap around stickers that artistically captured the mountain range we just explored. With so many others in the collection we have also seen up close and personal, we had to seek partnership. Read more on Hydrascape soon
Joy Susan: Becoming a very special partner, Joy Susan came into vision in the most organic way possible - the way we like it! We simply were out looking for a gift for a close friend and had purchased two Joy Susan handbags (after all when you get a great gift you have to get one for yourself!). When we returned home I looked over at the brand, did some research, and reached out. More on Joy Susan
Kari Powell: Amongst this list, this is one of our closest relationships as Kari is literally family. Besides the art that she creates, Kari is a designer and the combination of these skills has enabled consult that is both big picture and great attention to detail and I have always been fascinated watching the combination in action. Our house has her artwork in almost every room and with our complete remodel a few years ago, leveraged her design consult to incorporate some eye-catching components into the design. More on Kari
Tipsy Coasters: Brought on for a specific purpose initially, we do intend to broaden our relationship with Tipsy. Their catalog of fun stickers, traditional and car coasters, and other playful finds caught our eye and why we chose them for our custom design coasters highlighting Kari’s artwork. Every step of the process was clearly communicated and we loved the product. Stay tuned for more from this partner.
Uptown Sox: Our second partner to be brought on, Uptown grabbed our attention in a totally different way and by accident. The story is interesting so read the details for sure, but Uptown is quickly becoming our favorite sock to wear. We know there are tons of socks with funny sayings, but Uptown makes all sorts of socks and concentrates on the quality and consistency of their product. We plan to do some custom designs with them in the future with is one reason we invested in trying them out first, and now are close to wearing them seven days a week! Read more on Uptown’s way into our hearts
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